Research Note Feb 22 Income recovery for most retail financial services markets in Asia Pacific in 2017 Gross income from retail financial services for banks in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a stable compound annual growth rate of 10% bet... 3441
Research Note Feb 22 Indonesia: Bank Central Asia and Bank Mandiri—Spurring retail loans and exploring digital lending Macroeconomic situation in Indonesia Indonesia encountered its weakest year in 2014 amid an unstable world economy. Compar... 7172
Research Note Feb 22 Hong Kong banks: increasing retail operations under a tighter regulatory regime Industry picture Retail banking in Hong Kong has displayed strength in a relative... 5727
Research Note Feb 22 “One Belt One Road” – China’s new growth strategy looks at westwards expansion The “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) initiative by China is arguably their most ambitious initiative to date. The project which was started in early ... 6563
Research Note Feb 22 Towards free markets China’s capital account liberalisation has been a topical subject in the financial markets over the past few years. While institutions globally a... 2850
Research Note Feb 22 Strengthening RMB markets with sophisticated products The access to onshore RMB markets has been of utmost importance to policy makers in Beijing. While the capital account remains closed, a host of in... 3258
News Analysis Feb 22 Can the single resolution mechanism ensure Europe’s financial stability? The European Union started 2016 with optimism as the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) came on stream on January 1, 2016, which will implement a sy... 3028
Research Note Feb 22 Retail banking in the United Arab Emirates: Evolving and already competitive The banking industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is moving towards recovery from the economic slowdown of p... 3898
Research Note Feb 22 Retail payment trends in Asia Pacific Technological advances are changing the retail payment landscape significantly. Continuous retail payment innovat... 5765
Research Note Feb 22 The way forward for collaborating with non-banks The Egyptian retail banking sector is a largely untapped market, with over 53 million of the population unbanked ... 2829
Research Note Feb 22 Sands of Change Core to the optimism is the favorable growth in trade, especially with Asia, which according to Monetary Authority of Singapore, expanded five-fold... 3191
Research Note Feb 22 The problem is not adoption but use of technology According to the Saudi Arabia Monetary Authority Financial Stability Report 2015 (the report), banks in Saudi Arabia comprise the largest segment o... 2635
Research Note Feb 22 Adding value to data a key challenge in a multi-channel world Retail banking in the Middle East and Africa has evolved greatly in the last few years as banks introduce new products and leverage innovation to m... 2903
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Trade is the fundamental premise of Islamic Banking” Islamic Banking continues to make significant strides in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as it outpaces growth compared with its con... 2793
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “We’re more of a customer-driven wholesale bank that acquires and distributes” There has been enormous change within National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD). New people have been hired for its bonds and syndication businesses so tha... 2607
Research Note Feb 22 Democratisation of banking services puts focus on relationships over products West Africa’s retail banking industry is growing at a rapid pace, with growing competition in the once under-served retail banking and SME spaces... 3170
Research Note Feb 22 East and West African banks close gap with regional industry leaders in South Africa Within Africa, the South African banking sector has long been viewed as benchmark setters for industry best practice within the continent. However,... 3422
Interviews Feb 22 Interview Transcript: “HKTDC is going to be that super connector between the investors of the world” Property developer and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) chairman Vincent Lo is upbeat not just about the Hong Kong property market but a... 2851
Interviews Feb 22 Interview Transcript: “Banks cannot compete with P2P unless they are digital banks" Emmanuel Daniel (ED): As purveyor of all that is happening in the fintech space around the world, you collect all of that insight in terms ... 3312
Research Note Feb 22 Crowdlending tries to make its mark in Asia Pacific New developments in financial technology, the improved availability of public personal information, better internet bandwidth, minimal regulations,... 4657
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Nobody is too big to fail” The Asian Banker (TAB): How do you see the banking sector today compared to the pre-Lehman days in terms of size and overall stability? Bar... 2938
Opinions Feb 22 From fintech to techfin: data is the new oil When I arrived in Hong Kong slightly over a year ago to build a fintech accelerator, I knew three things. First, inspire my generation to j... 5047
Research Note Feb 22 Vietnam banks: Putting their money in retail banking and technology Vietnam’s banking sector suffers from problems of inefficiency, undercapitalisation, and increasing cross-ownership among banks, all of which hav... 9939
Research Note Feb 22 Blockchain: The race to commercialisation With 45 leading banks around the world backing it, blockchain or the distributed ledger, has moved firmly into the technology spotlight. Although s... 4972
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Dodd–Frank is not designed to prevent failure in all occasions” On January 5, 2010, the United States Congress passed a landmark legislation that ended the era of government bailouts. The Dodd–Frank Wall Stree... 2712
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “If you get the service right, everything will fall into place" Joining Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) in 2004, Ala'a Eraiqat saw a huge opportunity within ADCB after having left a career in an international b... 3592
Research Note Feb 22 Is consumer finance becoming a larger part of retail banking? In the Asia Pacific region, the consumer finance business varies widely across countries. Among the markets cover... 7401
Research Note Feb 22 From building digital capabilities to digital transformation Banks have embarked on a digitisation of products and services to reduce their operating costs... 4408
Research Note Feb 22 Increasing credit card usage opens opportunities for Chinese banks China's credit card sector is becomi... 3456
Research Note Feb 22 VPBank pushes growth on its retail and SME segments Vietnam’s banking sector undergoes a restructuring scheme to consolidate smaller banks VPBank’s active customers increased by ... 3595
Research Note Feb 22 ACB is positioning itself to become Vietnam’s leading bank Vietnam’s banking sector has undergone a radical restructuring in the past four years ACB has focused on developing better custo... 6655
Research Note Feb 22 Real-time retail payments and ISO 20022 – two sides of the same coin National payments service providers and regulators are driving the adoption of both real-time retail payment system (RT-RPS) and ISO 20022 p... 6667
Research Note Feb 22 De-risking and its implications on trade finance in Asia Pacific Fraud, illicit money laundering activities, and stringent compliance requirements are some factors forcing global banks to pull back from As... 3338
Research Note Feb 22 Blockchain: Collaboration and interoperability to drive adoption Blockchain technology has received strong interest from financial institutions as it helps remove inefficiencies in trade settlement processe... 2766
News Analysis Feb 22 Relooking the transaction banking value proposition Banks are investing in resources to better appreciate and understand the risk appetites of customers 6575
Opinions Feb 22 Can DBS make it work? Global banks are pulling out from Asian markets as the “super regional bank” strategy loses steam 2328
Research Note Feb 22 Digital transformation powers profitability in branch banking Banks are undergoing significant digital transformation to provide customers with better services Self-service methods are being enc... 4977
Research Note Feb 22 DBS – Preparing for a digital future DBS has a 49% market share of online and mobile channel users in Singapore The bank has become more technology intensive since 2013<... 9341
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Now is the best time to hire good talent” Mizuho Bank undertook internal transformation and reorganisation in early 2016 to become a total financial solution provider Ohas... 2594
Research Note Feb 22 How robots are changing the face of banking According to CB Insights, investment into robotics rose by 115% in 2015 Robotics process automation can bring notable time and cos... 18926
Research Note Feb 22 The rise of APIs in retail banking API is a set of commands that allows software applications to talk with each other in a seamless manner There has been a surge in th... 6244
Opinions Feb 22 The five superpowers of data DBS believes banking needs to disappear out of people's lives to provide them with better customer experience. Big data has hel... 2350
Research Note Feb 22 Blockchain - Moving from hype to reality Investments in blockchain technology is rapidly rising, crossing $1 billion in 2016 3641
Analysis Feb 22 More banks are investing in new technologies to improve customer experience Digital and mobile experience, data analytics and cybersecurity preparedness are some of the top technology investment priorities of leading... 7691
Opinions Feb 22 Smarter lending takes flight Shrier believes that the convergence of several tech disruptions have resulted in a structural change with... 6328
Interviews Feb 22 "We marry analytics with our products" Digital competency has become a key differentiator for Singaporean banks OCBC continues to boost its digital and analytics capabil... 6933
Research Note Feb 22 Retail banks in Japan still struggling with decreasing profitability Japanese banks see growth potential in the high mobile and internet penetration rates among local citizens Sumitomo Mitsui Group a... 3982
Research Note Feb 22 Robots take over retail banks’ back offices Robotic process automation refers to logic-driven robots that execute pre-programmed rules on structured and some unstructured data 6980
Research Note Feb 22 Data analytics drives retail banking Many banks believe that big data analytics offers a significant competitive advantage and will determine their success in the future <... 14165
Opinions Feb 22 Join the data revolution Gorriz believes banks need to re-invent how they work, given the exponential speed at which technology is evolving Banks and other... 9792
Research Note Feb 22 Banks embrace digital innovation but find it hard to make substantial changes to its conventional business model Banks are moving more products and services on their digital platform to get acquired fully straight-through processes An increasi... 3185
Opinions Feb 22 Will artificial intelligence take over your banking job? Banks have been very good in automating tasks and then actually improving certain tasks through historical analysis In artificial ... 6469
Interviews Feb 22 Strengthening Bahrain’s financial system through fintech A regulatory sandbox will allow Bahrain's central bank to facilitate the disruption of its local financial services market while maintaining... 8324
Interviews Feb 22 India's demonitisation calls for rapid innovation in the payments space The demonetisation phase proved to be a challenge and a driver for financial institutions in India to ramp up their digital capabilities and... 2039
Case Study Feb 22 Enhancing operational efficiency and transforming mortgage experience through a cloud platform Traditional mortgage lending process was complicated by paper-based systems, excessive manual operations, and lack of consistent communicati... 2991
Research Note Feb 22 Vietnamese banks are playing a risky game Differentiation, profitability, and customer-oriented digital adoption remain major challenges in Vietnam’s growing retail banking industr... 8109
Co-published Feb 22 CIMB tests acceptance of chatbots in Malaysia CIMB makes online banking services accessible through a chat interface, providing a two-way messaging system In less than a year, ... 7287
Interviews Feb 22 CBA’s Rajasingham: “IoT and AI will create self-sustaining market places with autonomous robotic agents as our clients” Meshing of emerging technologies creates powerful value propositions Internet of Things affect how future market places are run,... 4314
Proceedings Report Feb 22 Peer-to-peer in Southeast Asia: Must disruptors turn to collaborators? The peer-to-peer sector, has risen from the need to democratise finance, in which emerging platforms are taking out banks as middle-men... 3698
Proceedings Report Feb 22 Banks must stop living in the past Fast-pace change in the banking industry demanded institutions to rethink strategy, adopt leaner, agile and collaborative models F... 5920
Proceedings Report Feb 22 Rethink the customer to build the bank of the future The panel of this year’s leadership dialogue talked about the evolution of marketplace platforms in the two large markets of US and China<... 2981
Proceedings Report Feb 22 Technological innovation is a double-edged sword in cybersecurity New technologies are increasing the speed of service development as well as cyber-attacks Consumers’ data and identity are becom... 7509
Research Note Feb 22 Are Thai banks prepared for the next phase in digital competition? There has been a rise in digital platforms for asset and deposit products, with banks ready to launch full-blown e-KYC process Pri... 19019
Research Note Feb 22 Asia Pacific banks remain unfazed by asset quality pressure Slower economic growth and worse employment situations have led to higher retail non-performing loan (NPL) ratios in Asia Pacific ... 12752