Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “We’re businessmen and entrepreneurs at heart” Chief executive officer of Mashreq Bank, chairman of the UAE Banks Federation and business owner, His Excellency Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair views himsel... 1953
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Mentoring start-ups allows us to think customer centricity and think differently” DBS Bank has invested over SGD 10 million ($7.2 million) in initiatives that will support the development of the startup ecosystem in Singapore ove... 2024
Opinions Feb 22 Innovation the “regulatory sandbox” way In June 2015, Ravi Menon, head of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), was first to suggest “Innovation in a sandbox” as an a... 3967
Interviews Feb 22 Interview Transcript: "We need to keep investing in technology and people driving technology" Emmanuel Daniel (ED): I am very pleased to speak today with Osama Al Rahma, chairman of the Foreign Exchange and Remittance Group, a centra... 3229
Opinions Feb 22 Singapore’s fintech journey – where we are, what is next MAS has been working closely with the financial industry to create a Smart Financial Centre, where innovation is pervasive and technology is... 3620
Proceedings Report Feb 22 What we learnt from the digital disruptors in China The Asian Banker held the China Innovation Tour from November 21-25, which included site visits in selected banks, companies, innovation labs... 5582
Research Note Feb 22 Robo-advisors poised to take off The target market for robo-advisors ranges from the average investor to high net worth individuals Assets under management managed b... 5967
Opinions Feb 22 The two market models of fintech revolution The fintech revolution has two market models: The Western ‘Market Model of Frenemies by Difference’ and the Eastern ‘Market Model of Fr... 4308
Opinions Feb 22 The five superpowers of data DBS believes banking needs to disappear out of people's lives to provide them with better customer experience. Big data has hel... 2350
Opinions Feb 22 Ten things I learned at The Future of Finance Summit in Singapore Fintech is so broad and all encompassing that we lose sight of the gravity of the digital transformation happening before our eyes by not un... 2046
Research Note Feb 22 Improving customer experience and reviewing business models Technological innovation and disruption have redefined customer journey and existing business models in 2017 The new transaction b... 3389
Round Up Feb 22 Highlights from the Singapore Fintech Festival – Singapore’s role in the global financial technology community The first day of the Singapore Fintech Festival saw Monetary Authority of Singapore Managing Director Ravi Menon shed light on... 3207
Interviews Feb 22 BNY Mellon’s Brown: “We force our teams to think we need collaboration” BNY Mellon uses design thinking as a way of changing the way it approaches problems Hans Brown shared that the proble... 3398
Case Study Feb 22 Thanachart’s innovation builds higher auto loan profits in Thailand Thanachart offers three types of loans for automobiles: new car loans, used car loans, and sale-and-lease-back loans under the CYC programme... 6947
Round Up Feb 22 Highlights from Money 20/20 Asia – New models for the bank of the future CreditEase's Ning Tang emphasised that China is a growing market for financial technologies, who will increasingly go global After... 10554
Interviews Feb 22 Banking on a digital transformation 13952
editorial Feb 22 Bank of East Asia’s Hui receives The Asian Banker Retail Financial Services Leadership Achievement in Asia Pacific Award 2018 Vincent Hui recognised the importance of digital innovation in the industry at an early stage and has exhibited great determination in trans... 2872
editorial Feb 22 Mynt’s Thomas receives The Innovation Leadership Achievement in the Philippines Award for 2018 Anthony Thomas was recognised as an outstanding leader for his role in championing innovation in the Philippines He led the comp... 26580
editorial Feb 22 KakaoBank’s Yun receives The Innovation Leadership Achievement in South Korea Award for 2018 Hoyoung Yun was recognised as the outstanding leader who championed innovation in South Korea through KakaoBank He led the bank in... 24946