Co-published Feb 22 Striving for enhanced customer service and customer satisfaction The retail banking market in the Sultanate of Oman has been undergoing rapid changes in recent years, with local banks coming under pressure to con... 1944
Research Note Feb 22 Adding value to data a key challenge in a multi-channel world Retail banking in the Middle East and Africa has evolved greatly in the last few years as banks introduce new products and leverage innovation to m... 2905
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “We’re more of a customer-driven wholesale bank that acquires and distributes” There has been enormous change within National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD). New people have been hired for its bonds and syndication businesses so tha... 2607
Research Note Feb 22 East and West African banks close gap with regional industry leaders in South Africa Within Africa, the South African banking sector has long been viewed as benchmark setters for industry best practice within the continent. However,... 3426
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “We’re businessmen and entrepreneurs at heart” Chief executive officer of Mashreq Bank, chairman of the UAE Banks Federation and business owner, His Excellency Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair views himsel... 1953
Research Note Feb 22 Digitisation efforts by large Australian banks boost customer satisfaction Australian retail banks are online data and analytics tools to gain better insights about their customers Local banks are looking... 4586