Research Note Feb 23 Hong Kong banks: increasing retail operations under a tighter regulatory regime Industry picture Retail banking in Hong Kong has displayed strength in a relative... 5734
Interviews Feb 23 Interview: “Nobody is too big to fail” The Asian Banker (TAB): How do you see the banking sector today compared to the pre-Lehman days in terms of size and overall stability? Bar... 2938
Interviews Feb 23 Interview: “Dodd–Frank is not designed to prevent failure in all occasions” On January 5, 2010, the United States Congress passed a landmark legislation that ended the era of government bailouts. The Dodd–Frank Wall Stree... 2712
Research Note Feb 23 Is consumer finance becoming a larger part of retail banking? In the Asia Pacific region, the consumer finance business varies widely across countries. Among the markets cover... 7405
Interviews Feb 23 Interview: “It is important for the bank to expand beyond Beijing” Yan Bing Zhu, chairman of Bank of Beijing, traces how the bank has emerged as one of the leading SME and consumer banks in China 4008
Interviews Feb 23 CIMB's Gupta: "Getting the culture right is a big step in regionalising your business" Digital, customer experience and analytics combined create competitive position 10900
Interviews Feb 23 SCB's Huen: "We still have room to get a more meaningful market share than what we have today" Standard Chartered Bank has been leveraging synergies between its business segments as well as the strength of its size in Hong Kong <... 2757
Opinions Feb 23 Memoirs of a Citibank technology warrior - How the bank built the CORE (Part 1 of 4) Ajit Kanagasundram shares that Citibank’s first consumer banking system had to be abandoned after spending $50 million The COR... 5587
Opinions Feb 23 Memoirs of a Citibank technology warrior - The global cards project (Part 2 of 4) Citibank sought to launch cards across multiple geographies simultaneously The Regional Card Centre team developed and implemen... 5138
Opinions Feb 23 Memoirs of a Citibank technology warrior - Lessons learnt from the “Global Go to Common” project (Part 4 of 4) Citibank's Global Go to Common project, which costs $ 1.4 billion, was shut down after five years of incre... 7237