Research Note Feb 22 Retail payment trends in Asia Pacific Technological advances are changing the retail payment landscape significantly. Continuous retail payment innovat... 5765
Research Note Feb 22 New competitors are catalysts for growth in mobile payments Mobile payments revenue will increase from $4.5 billion in 2015 to $10.8 billion by 2019 A key challenge for mobile payments has bee... 3086
Case Study Feb 22 PayMaya serves the unbanked in the Philippines through the mobile app Mobile banking penetration in the Philippines remains significantly low despite the increasing number of mobile phone users Paymay... 15956
editorial Feb 22 Mynt’s Thomas receives The Innovation Leadership Achievement in the Philippines Award for 2018 Anthony Thomas was recognised as an outstanding leader for his role in championing innovation in the Philippines He led the comp... 26580
editorial Feb 22 KakaoBank’s Yun receives The Innovation Leadership Achievement in South Korea Award for 2018 Hoyoung Yun was recognised as the outstanding leader who championed innovation in South Korea through KakaoBank He led the bank in... 24946
Case Study Feb 22 Innovation and a strong organisation key to Kakaobank’s success Banking account was the core business of Kakaobank, with a savings borrowing, spending, payments and international transfer services built o... 15925
Datafiles Feb 22 China, India and Thailand payments surge ahead The retail payment landscape continues to change dramatically in Asia Pacific as players focus on innovation. China <... 11216
Opinions Feb 22 "Apple's new credit card is just an incremental change that reinforces the dominance of banks in the digital finance space" Behind the Apple digital card is Goldman Sachs Retail. Behind that is MasterCard, and later Visa. Behind those are the other banks accepting the tr... 3687
Research Note Feb 22 Total e-wallet size in Indonesia likely to hit $15 billion by 2020 Number of e-wallet instruments overtook other card based instruments in 2018. E-wallet usage highly uneven with mobile phone and d... 20856
News Analysis Feb 22 Facebook's Libra will rival US monetary system cites US House Financial Services Committee A month ago, varied reactions greeted Facebook’s (FB) revelation, sharing its plans to launch a new digital wallet along with a new global curren... 15048
Current Account Feb 22 Ant Group sets record with $34 billion IPO Ant Group’s IPO, world’s biggest, receives strong institutional support Dual listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai amid mount... 4260
TABLive Feb 22 MoneyOnMobile’s Dawson: “We’re a last-mile facilitator to the banks” MoneyOnMobile has done more cash out transactions in India due to the demonetisation that happened in 2016 The compan... 2357