Research Note Feb 22 Disruption forces banks in Asia Pacific to refocus their technology investments A more challenging operating environment that has impacted profits is forcing banks to trim their cost structures and invest in technology... 5888
Opinions Feb 22 Singapore’s fintech journey – where we are, what is next MAS has been working closely with the financial industry to create a Smart Financial Centre, where innovation is pervasive and technology is... 3620
Interviews Feb 22 Video: "I believe that a company should be kept entrepreneurial driven for a long time" 112
Current Account Feb 22 MAS launches digital platform to fight money laundering and terrorism financing The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has launched a centralised digital platform called COSMIC to curb illicit financing by facilitating the s... 4309
Interview Feb 22 Westpac’s Correa: “A strong, effective payment system will allow innovation to occur” The risk appetite across Asia is always evolving Aust... 8385