Research Note Feb 22 Brexit and weaker economic growth hit HSBC's performance Heightened uncertainty after Brexit, higher regulatory costs, and lower consumer spending and investments ... 3789
Research Note Feb 22 Bank of China (Hong Kong) named the Strongest Bank in Asia Pacific in 2016 for third consecutive year Bank of China (Hong Kong) is the strongest bank in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific in 2016 Overall financial performance of the Asia Pa... 3594
Research Note Feb 22 De-risking and its implications on trade finance in Asia Pacific Fraud, illicit money laundering activities, and stringent compliance requirements are some factors forcing global banks to pull back from As... 3345
News Analysis Feb 22 Relooking the transaction banking value proposition Banks are investing in resources to better appreciate and understand the risk appetites of customers 6578
Opinions Feb 22 Can DBS make it work? Global banks are pulling out from Asian markets as the “super regional bank” strategy loses steam 2330
News Analysis Feb 22 SSFA aims to establish Singapore as global sustainable-finance hub The Singapore Sustainable Finance Association (SSFA) was launched on 24 January under the auspices of the Monetary Authority of Singapor... 5614