Research Note Feb 19 The way forward for collaborating with non-banks The Egyptian retail banking sector is a largely untapped market, with over 53 million of the population unbanked ... 2811
Research Note Feb 19 Sands of Change Core to the optimism is the favorable growth in trade, especially with Asia, which according to Monetary Authority of Singapore, expanded five-fold... 3172
Research Note Feb 19 Democratisation of banking services puts focus on relationships over products West Africa’s retail banking industry is growing at a rapid pace, with growing competition in the once under-served retail banking and SME spaces... 3154
Opinions Feb 19 From fintech to techfin: data is the new oil When I arrived in Hong Kong slightly over a year ago to build a fintech accelerator, I knew three things. First, inspire my generation to j... 5025
Research Note Feb 19 From building digital capabilities to digital transformation Banks have embarked on a digitisation of products and services to reduce their operating costs... 4393
Research Note Feb 19 Real-time retail payments and ISO 20022 – two sides of the same coin National payments service providers and regulators are driving the adoption of both real-time retail payment system (RT-RPS) and ISO 20022 p... 6665
Research Note Feb 19 Cash management technology – race towards centralising, digitising and future-proofing Cash management banks have utilised information technology in three core areas – centralisation, digitisation and collaboration - in the f... 3439
Research Note Feb 19 Blockchain: Collaboration and interoperability to drive adoption Blockchain technology has received strong interest from financial institutions as it helps remove inefficiencies in trade settlement processe... 2747
Research Note Feb 19 Will digital-only money transfer operators impact the global remittance market? The remittance business remains a large source of bank revenue although the amount being sent to developing countries has contracted 4588
Research Note Feb 19 Digital transformation powers profitability in branch banking Banks are undergoing significant digital transformation to provide customers with better services Self-service methods are being enc... 4960
Research Note Feb 19 P2P lending: Collaboration will be the key to success China’s P2P market is the largest in the world with about 1,500 P2P lending platforms operating both online and offline Many banks... 8458
AB500 Feb 19 An unrelenting lack of normality Chinese banks continued to dominate the list of AB 500 largest banks and also the list of the top 20 largest banks Basel capital a... 5370
Round Up Feb 19 Highlights from the Singapore Fintech Festival – The future of banking Financial institutions need to go digital, reduce the price point, and modernise in order to maintain their competitive advantage ... 30089
Research Note Feb 19 Digitisation efforts by large Australian banks boost customer satisfaction Australian retail banks are online data and analytics tools to gain better insights about their customers Local banks are looking... 4567
Research Note Feb 19 Creating the next level of client engagement with the Internet of Things Internet of Things gives banks the opportunity to integrate environmental, behavioural and financial data for clients to simply click a butt... 4112