Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “Mentoring start-ups allows us to think customer centricity and think differently” DBS Bank has invested over SGD 10 million ($7.2 million) in initiatives that will support the development of the startup ecosystem in Singapore ove... 2024
Research Note Feb 22 Blockchain: The race to commercialisation With 45 leading banks around the world backing it, blockchain or the distributed ledger, has moved firmly into the technology spotlight. Although s... 4972
Interviews Feb 22 Interview: “We intend to operate as an ally rather than to compete with banks” In a rapidly growing fintech sector success revolves around the ability to leverage innovation and disruptive technology to solve real world busine... 3127
Research Note Feb 22 From building digital capabilities to digital transformation Banks have embarked on a digitisation of products and services to reduce their operating costs... 4408
News Analysis Feb 22 The scandal that is shaking Malaysia’s financial sector The scandal surrounding Malaysia’s 1MDB state development fund is making an impact on the country’s economy and banking system. 3568
Opinions Feb 22 Can DBS make it work? Global banks are pulling out from Asian markets as the “super regional bank” strategy loses steam 2328
Research Note Feb 22 DBS – Preparing for a digital future DBS has a 49% market share of online and mobile channel users in Singapore The bank has become more technology intensive since 2013<... 9341
Opinions Feb 22 The five superpowers of data DBS believes banking needs to disappear out of people's lives to provide them with better customer experience. Big data has hel... 2350
Research Note Feb 22 Retail banking asset structure differs widely by country in Asia Pacific In Asia Pacific, mortgages as a share of retail lending, averaged 81% in mature markets and 51% in emerging markets in 2016 Demand... 3046
Research Note Feb 22 How digitisation powers DBS to profitability DBS Group achieved record net profit of S$2.35 billion for the first half of 2017 The stellar profit came despite the non-performi... 4532
TABLive Feb 22 (Sponsored Content) DBS enhances digital banking experience with Video Teller Machines ... 17528