Research Note Feb 22 From building digital capabilities to digital transformation Banks have embarked on a digitisation of products and services to reduce their operating costs... 4408
Co-published Feb 22 CMB experiments with emerging technologies and social media channels to boost credit card business China Merchants Bank (CMB) implemented Intelligent Micro Service Platform (IMSP) system that integrated social media, instant interactive sy... 4280
Case Study Feb 22 Liv – A New Model for Digital Banking in the Middle East Emirates NBD used a new model to launch Liv, developing a middle layer rather than using an expensive platform and also outsourcing many fun... 6842
Research Note Feb 22 New players, new practices and new technologies in an evolving payments landscape Payments are a key battleground in financial services, and rightly so. “On the banking side,” PayU CEO Laurent le Moal observed, “banks have ... 3993
TABLive Feb 22 VoiceVault’s Webb: “Voice biometrics is as strong as other leading biometric technologies” Julia Webb shares that the company is working with banks in China and Korea in developing voice biometrics She believes the accura... 2431