Current Account Feb 22 Gates’ divorce and the road ahead for the foundation How will the foundation function after the split? What impact will the divorce have on fund flows into the foundation? I... 6584
Interview Feb 22 Mojaloop’s Hunter: “Our mission and vision on financial inclusion are aligned” The Mojaloop Foundation and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) are working together to provide affordable financial services to the underser... 8966
Opinions Feb 22 Wealthiest 10% are responsible for half of global carbon emissions The wealthiest 10% of the world’s population are linked to nearly half of global carbon emissions 98% of the wealthy in ... 1909
Datafiles Feb 22 Are billionaires doing enough to save the planet? Billionaires account for more of the carbon emissions that cause climate change than anyone else. Most billionaires like Warren Bu... 5205