Research Note Feb 22 East and West African banks close gap with regional industry leaders in South Africa Within Africa, the South African banking sector has long been viewed as benchmark setters for industry best practice within the continent. However,... 3423
Research Note Feb 22 Democratisation of banking services puts focus on relationships over products West Africa’s retail banking industry is growing at a rapid pace, with growing competition in the once under-served retail banking and SME spaces... 3170
Research Note Feb 22 Banks need to leverage their superior product knowledge to stay relevant East Africa’s retail banking industry is growing at a rapid pace with banks using technology to target customer segments that were once too costl... 3861
Research Note Feb 22 Adding value to data a key challenge in a multi-channel world Retail banking in the Middle East and Africa has evolved greatly in the last few years as banks introduce new products and leverage innovation to m... 2903
Research Note Feb 22 The problem is not adoption but use of technology According to the Saudi Arabia Monetary Authority Financial Stability Report 2015 (the report), banks in Saudi Arabia comprise the largest segment o... 2636
Research Note Feb 22 The way forward for collaborating with non-banks The Egyptian retail banking sector is a largely untapped market, with over 53 million of the population unbanked ... 2829
Co-published Feb 22 Striving for enhanced customer service and customer satisfaction The retail banking market in the Sultanate of Oman has been undergoing rapid changes in recent years, with local banks coming under pressure to con... 1940