Research Note Feb 22 Cash management technology – race towards centralising, digitising and future-proofing Cash management banks have utilised information technology in three core areas – centralisation, digitisation and collaboration - in the f... 3441
Research Note Feb 22 De-risking and its implications on trade finance in Asia Pacific Fraud, illicit money laundering activities, and stringent compliance requirements are some factors forcing global banks to pull back from As... 3346
Research Note Feb 22 Real-time retail payments and ISO 20022 – two sides of the same coin National payments service providers and regulators are driving the adoption of both real-time retail payment system (RT-RPS) and ISO 20022 p... 6667
Research Note Feb 22 Blockchain: The race to commercialisation With 45 leading banks around the world backing it, blockchain or the distributed ledger, has moved firmly into the technology spotlight. Although s... 4977