TABLive Jan 01 Nordea’s Richter: “We need to look at the payment ecosystem overall, and see what type of value-added services we can put around the payments” ... 259
interviews Sep 04 Nordea’s Zekkar: 2020 is the year of geographical expansion Patrik Zekkar, global head of trade finance and working capital management at Nordea, shares his views on the overall business in the trade finance ar... 7830
interviews Sep 06 SmartStream’s Tripathy: “Solving use cases with AI is the way forward” Santosh Tripathy, practice lead for digital payments at SmartStream, shares his understanding of artificial intelligence, its functions, benefits and ... 14242
Sibos Round Up Sep 08 UniCredit’s Corsini: “We want to be the bridge between Asia and Europe” Luca Corsini, the head of global transaction banking at UniCredit, talks about the new regulation requiring banks to open up their data to third parti... 8036
Sibos Round Up Sep 08 Western Union’s Keogh: “Regulation offers opportunity to do better” Jacqueline Keogh, Western Union’s global head of payments sales, discusses some key points regarding regulation and innovation in the industry as we... 7542
interviews Jun 08 ANNA’s Dreyer: “The value is in bringing the crypto and regulated systems together” Stephan Dreyer, managing director of the Association of National Numbering Agencies, talked about the role of the global body in developing a common i... 21648
Interviews Jan 01 Feedzai’s Tom Clifford: “Responsible AI is very critical” Tom Clifford, strategic account director at Feedzai, a data science firm based in Portugal, discussed how the sector combats sophisticated financial c... 477
Interviews Jan 17 Thunes’ Winter: “We want to make global payments as easy as sending a WhatsApp message” James Winter, senior vice president, Europe for global payments provider Thunes, talks about the company’s partnership with banks through a cloud-ba... 1206