CUB headlines the climate change imperatives in sustainable finance, driving green initiatives and net-zero targets aligned with global standards
Walter de Oude, founder of Singlife, has launched Chocolate Finance, a platform aimed at optimising spare cash with competitive returns, user-friendly technology, simplicity, and security
The Future of Finance Summit 2023 set off at a lively pace with a deep dive into the US bank runs that rattled the banking industry in March, with panellists identifying the triggers and what regulators can do to mitigate future risks
Emmanuel Daniel, chairman and founder of The Asian Banker, joined the World Artificial Intelligence Conference’s (WAIC) first European online forum to discuss “AI Ethics goals for the 21st century” where he pointed out that financial…
David Grammig, founder and managing director of consultancy firm Grammig Advisory, discussed the growth of family offices in Europe and other parts of the world but warned that due diligence should still be practiced in order to minimise…
Stephan Dreyer, managing director of the Association of National Numbering Agencies, talked about the role of the global body in developing a common identifier standard for the emerging class of crypto and digital assets to be issued…