
Bank Central Asia taps digital technology and huge personnel to improve customer experience


Indonesian lender, Bank Central Asia is turning towards the latest technology and a large well-trained human resource to improve the banking experience of its customers

Here is the transcript:
As the leading bank in Indonesisia, Bank Central Asia (BCA) depends on the collective contribution of employeees at all levels of the organisation to maintain trust,provide quality service and deliver a superior customer experience.
It has always emphasized the nurturing of innovation and the ability of its over 25,000 employees in over 1,200 branches to build strong relationships with customers.
BCA is leveraging technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in delivering an outstanding customer experience.
We spoke to senior leaders in the bank to understand how it tackles the mobility challenges in one of the world's mega cities in order to achieve the desired level of training of employees and the delivery of superior customer excperience.
Lianawaty: "The challenge we are facing today is that the change in banking happens so fast, even exponentially. Among existing employees, there are many long-serving ones, since this company is 61 years old, there are many long-serving employees who need skill upgrading. Do what we do is we have to invest in the technology for learning."
Nathalya: "It is evident in the banking transactions in BCA wherein 97% are through the e-channel and there are only 3% done conventionally at branch offices."
Ugahary: "Our division happens to be the one who assists the branches in developing individual customer businesses at the branches so that the frequency of our meetings with the branch offices are very high.It automatically consumes much time and consumes much cost."
Lena: "The geographical reach. Of course, delivering information and update to all the employees, education to all the employees with such a wide geographical reach is a challenge by itself."
"HALO BCA do a transformation from the contract center to become a center of digital. We facilitate customers to transact at HALO BCA digitally, for examples, via video calls, video banking, and we make a breakthrough as well, the newest digital banking service, namely to open a new account online through video calls from customers' smartphones." (black)
Lily: "Video conferencing was implemented at BCA to support the teaching-learning process at BCA Learning Center at Sentul. In further implementation however, video conferencing at BCA could be optimally implemented by all business units at the head office, supporting units at branches"
Hendra: "This also becomes something that enables them to acquire information more quickly. The most essential benefits is certainly from the resources aspect, from the cost aspect, from the time aspect, it is more economical. We no longer need to be present physically in certain meetings with them, but we can be present by using video conferencing. Such technology enables us to perform interactive discussions with people, with our employees wherever they are."
Chandra:"We belive that technology does not only affect customer experience, but it also gives influence to the productivity increase of our team members. Collaboration with Cisco is an accurate solution to answer BCA Bank's business challenges, such as the limited number of instructors, activities of many employees that always move, the widespread locations of employees, and also the rapid product development according to customers demands. Cisco collaboration provides BCA Bank withefficiency of time, cost & also buisness speed in the digital business competition to come